Friday 24 September 2010

[ Mike ] - Week 1 - Visit Essex Project

In our first lecture, we had the projects that we were going to undertake during the year explained to us. Alongside the individual project of modelling our own heads in 3d, we would also be carrying out a group project in small groups of 3 or 4. We were allowed to select our own groups and this was the first job. This blog is for the group consisting of:

Michael Walton
Daniel Alderman
Tom Early
Simon Mills

All members have the ability to update this blog and will do throughout the project whilst also updating our own blogs with our personal work.

We were told that the project was going to about promoting Tourism in Essex. We would need to create a small video about something in Essex that could be placed on the Internet to attract and give information about places of interest in Essex. Ms Elli Constantatou, who is the Marketing and PR Manager at Essex County Council, is going to be coming in on Wednesday 29th September to give us some more information about the project and what she will be looking for as it will be her that decides whether our work is posted on her website (

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