Tuesday 7 December 2010

[ Tom ] - Group Meeting 07/12/10

Today we managed to stick our 4 sections together into one complete animation, and add effects to it in Premiere Pro. All of the editing work was done by Dan.

Unfortunately, due to Simon being ill, we were unable to complete the airshow scene the way in which it had been intended as he was not there to tell us how he wanted his parts to fit together. The rest of us had to arrange them ourselves.

As well as this, my lawn mower scene had a slight problem. Some of the audience members in the backround would ramdomly have some of the verticies extend to the top of the screen for a few frames. Due to the fact that we completed the final animation so late in the day and that at the time of writing, we have to present this to our client tomorrow, we just didnt have the time to fix it. Luckily, its not that noticable.

Despite these small problems, our final animation has turned out much better than any of us expected. We are all very pleased with the result and hope that our client will be too.

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